How to Successfully Move Your Living and Work Spaces When You Work From Home
More than 8 million Americans now work from the comforts of their own home. The work from home trend is changing the landscape of the working world, but it’s also changing the way we interact with our homes. Some people now have home offices, while others work humbly from their dining room tables or sofas. Either way, technology has opened doors for people to avoid the dreaded commute and make money without ever getting out of their pajamas.
When you work from home, you can theoretically work from anywhere. Many people are beginning to take advantage of this. Do you work from home? Have you considered moving to a faraway city to take advantage of better views as you work from your laptop?
Whether your home office consists of a full desk and meeting area or a single laptop, make sure you consider these logistics before moving your home and work spaces.
Keep Essential Office Equipment Accessible
While working from home allows you to be more flexible with the date and time you move, it’s likely that you will have to work part-time. It’s great to move in the middle of the week when everyone else is working, but you won’t necessarily get of your workday.
When packing, make sure your daily work equipment is accessible. Keep these items in your passenger seat and make sure the professional movers don’t accidentally place them on the moving truck.
Maintain a Clean Work Spot While You’re Moving
For some reason it’s tempting to start packing up the most used areas of our house first. That’s the opposite of what you want to do. Don’t assume you can comfortably work on your couch if you know you’re most productive sitting at your home desk. This is not the time to experiment with new work strategies. Keep your essential home office set up for as long as possible.
Keep Work Time Separate from Moving Time
When you work from home, the lines between home life and work life can get pretty blurry. Make sure you designate specific time to move and specific time to work. While you can be a little more flexible with when you work (that’s why you work from home, afterall!) make sure you work the same amount of hours you would in a normal workweek. If you truly need to spend the whole day packing, just take the time off.
Take Some TIme Off
There’s no need to feel the stress of moving while you’re trying to meet deadlines, too. Take a few days off so you can solely focus on the move. When you give yourself the space to compartmentalize, you will actually be more productive during the move and when you head back to work.
Be Mindful of your Files and Documents
Transporting confidential documents is a task in and of itself. Use this time as an opportunity to recycle old files and declutter old paperwork. It could be worth it to get an inexpensive shredder and go to town on all those old files that have gathered dust and clutter your office. You’ll be happy you did when you set up your new office.
As for digital files, make sure everything is backed up. It’s amazing how digital files can seem to disappear when you rearrange your life. Back everything up, and do some rearranging while you’re at it.
Envision Your New Home Office
Moving is an excellent time to invest in a fresh start. Do you like your desk? Is it time for a new monitor? Consider how you want to update your home office before you pack up all the old equipment and furniture you’re using now. You may find yourself with an extra bundle of cash after selling your desktop and clunky bookcase.
We wish you well as you use your move as an opportunity to start fresh in your home space and work space.
san francisco movers
More than 8 million Americans now work from the comforts of their own home. The work from home trend is changing the landscape of the working world, but it’s also changing the way we interact with our homes. Some people now have home offices, while others work humbly from their dining room tables or sofas. Either way, technology has opened doors for people to avoid the dreaded commute and make money without ever getting out of their pajamas.
When you work from home, you can theoretically work from anywhere. Many people are beginning to take advantage of this. Do you work from home? Have you considered moving to a faraway city to take advantage of better views as you work from your laptop?
Whether your home office consists of a full desk and meeting area or a single laptop, make sure you consider these logistics before moving your home and work spaces.
Keep Essential Office Equipment Accessible
While working from home allows you to be more flexible with the date and time you move, it’s likely that you will have to work part-time. It’s great to move in the middle of the week when everyone else is working, but you won’t necessarily get of your workday.
When packing, make sure your daily work equipment is accessible. Keep these items in your passenger seat and make sure the professional movers don’t accidentally place them on the moving truck.
Maintain a Clean Work Spot While You’re Moving
For some reason it’s tempting to start packing up the most used areas of our house first. That’s the opposite of what you want to do. Don’t assume you can comfortably work on your couch if you know you’re most productive sitting at your home desk. This is not the time to experiment with new work strategies. Keep your essential home office set up for as long as possible.
Keep Work Time Separate from Moving Time
When you work from home, the lines between home life and work life can get pretty blurry. Make sure you designate specific time to move and specific time to work. While you can be a little more flexible with when you work (that’s why you work from home, afterall!) make sure you work the same amount of hours you would in a normal workweek. If you truly need to spend the whole day packing, just take the time off.
Take Some TIme Off
There’s no need to feel the stress of moving while you’re trying to meet deadlines, too. Take a few days off so you can solely focus on the move. When you give yourself the space to compartmentalize, you will actually be more productive during the move and when you head back to work.
Be Mindful of your Files and Documents
Transporting confidential documents is a task in and of itself. Use this time as an opportunity to recycle old files and declutter old paperwork. It could be worth it to get an inexpensive shredder and go to town on all those old files that have gathered dust and clutter your office. You’ll be happy you did when you set up your new office.
As for digital files, make sure everything is backed up. It’s amazing how digital files can seem to disappear when you rearrange your life. Back everything up, and do some rearranging while you’re at it.
Envision Your New Home Office
Moving is an excellent time to invest in a fresh start. Do you like your desk? Is it time for a new monitor? Consider how you want to update your home office before you pack up all the old equipment and furniture you’re using now. You may find yourself with an extra bundle of cash after selling your desktop and clunky bookcase.
We wish you well as you use your move as an opportunity to start fresh in your home space and work space.
san francisco movers