Monday, 16 March 2020

The Essential Self-Care Plan For When You Feel Homesick

Have a Self Care List Handy
Request a Care Package
Stick to a Routine
Explore an Exciting New Spot in Your Area
Call a Friend

H1: Smile Away the Homesick Blues With This Essential Homesick Checklist

There’s no right or wrong way to deal with being homesick. First of all, you never know when it’s going to hit, or what will trigger it. You could be walking to your new apartment and remember a great dinner you had with a friend in a hometown eatery. Or you could be waking up one Sunday and miss the ease of walking to your favorite corner market for coffee.

Whatever triggers that homesick feeling, you want to be prepared to combat it and get back on your feet. Use this checklist to be prepared for sudden and emotional yearnings of your hometown.

Have a Self Care List Handy
You know yourself best, so you know what makes you feel cared for and comfortable. Indulging in a bit of self care can help combat those heavy feelings. Take a bath, hit the gym, or grab dinner with a new friend or coworker. Maybe jumping into another world with a good book is your thing. If you don’t have a self care list, we suggest making one so you always have it handy when you’re not sure what to do with yourself. Some suggestions:
  • Exercise revs up those feel good endorphins and relieves stress, which can be great when you’re feeling home sick.
  • Enjoy a little grooming, whether that’s getting a haircut, getting your nails done, or enjoying a massage of facial.
  • Take a nap. Sometimes those gloomy feelings can be turned around with a little shuteye.
  • Play with your pet. Hanging out with animals has a way of calming us down and making us feel safe and cared for.

Request a Care Package
Do your parents or loved ones still live back home? Ask them to send you a little care package with some of your favorite items from home. Sometimes all you need is some coffee from your favorite coffee shop or a photo of your old neighborhood in the fall. It’s those little touches that can feel cathartic and healing. Your friends and family would probably be happy to ship you a few things!

Stick to a Routine
Starting over in a new city is a massive transition. At first you can feel like you’re on some sort of strange, stressful vacation. You’re eating out all the time, you don’t know where anything is, and the only places to hang out are bars and eateries. It’s a struggle and it’s isolating. 

One simple thing you can do to combat this fish-out-of-water feeling is to create and stick to a routine. Wake up at the same time, enjoy your coffee or tea in the same spot, take the same commute. The more you move through the same steps, the more comfortable you will feel. You may also get to know others who share a similar routine.

Maybe you will see the same handful of people at the coffee shop in the morning, or the elevator. Maybe you will start to talk to the people who head to the gym in the evenings when you do. Routines have a way of grounding us, take advantage of them.

Call a Friend
If it’s the people you miss more than the place, then contact them! Nothing beats calling a good friend and catching up for an hour or so. Just hearing the sound of their voice can ground you and make you feel right at home. If you live in different time zones, schedule a time that works best for both of you, so nothing feels rushed or inconvenient.

Explore Something New
Sometimes the best remedy to homesickness is to stop thinking about the past and completely immerse yourself in the present. A great way to do that is to explore a new area in your new city. Check out a show with a coworker, or hit up a trivia night and join a team. Hit up a museum or art gallery, or even the local farmers market. You never know what will pique your interest or become your new favorite place to hang out. 

For more help, give call a professional San Francisco Movers at Moving Forward.

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